What does it mean to use content marketing to build your brand?

On today’s episode Colin Clark, owner of Tribeswell, and Jeremy dig deep into one of their favorite topics: Authentic Content Marketing

Creating great content (videos, blog posts, podcasts, etc) is far from new, people have been doing it for decades.  But it’s becoming a more and more central strategy to every business that wants to build community and create a loyal following.  It’s a super fun, super real way to present yourself to ideal clients and it can really help make their life better whether they decide to purchase from you or not.

Colin and Jeremy talk on this episode about how they approach content marketing, what their favorite tricks of the trade are, and what resources they’ve used for ideas and motivation.


Here are some highlights:

What is Marketing to you?

To Colin, marketing is about telling a story that builds a tribe. Understanding what that story is comes from understanding yourself, your beliefs, and how the product or service you provide will make someone’s life better.  It’s ok for your brand to truly reflect you and to stand strong for something.  There will be people who don’t like or don’t want what your offering.  That’s actually a good sign that you have a brand that will build a tribe.

content marketing with tribeswell

Where does good content come from?

The best way to get ideas is by listening to the questions your clients ask on a daily basis.  If you hear the same questions twice, it’s a good topic to create a blog, video, or podcast around.

Another way is just being funny and even poking a little fun at the topic your business is all about.

Why do we love Youtube?

Youtube is a multifaceted forum that brings together the best of social media and search.  On top of that, it has the potential to make you money right there on the platform.  It’s just a great place to build a tribe of people that you don’t already know or have a connection with

What about Facebook & Instagram?

While, in our opinion, Youtube has the most possibility, other social sites certainly play a role.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and others serve are places you can build and connect with your tribe and direct them to your content.   They’re also the best place to figure out what your ideal client connects with and how you can integrate that into your brand.

What are some of our favorite marketing books?

Special thanks to Colin Clark for taking the time to share the Tribeswell story with us.

Resources Mentioned:

Jeremy’s podcasting tools –

Stuff you would totally buy anyway –


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