Want a Google-like work environment without working for Google?

Coworking is your answer.

Collaborative workspaces offer tech freelancers, remote employees, and other small business owners a community to foster creativity and grow with.   In this episode, Tyler Henke, founder of Cowork Bloomington, gives us a peek into the coworking world. We’ll explore why collaborative workspaces exist, how Cowork Bloomington got started, and Tyler’s insights on how to find small business success.


Highlights from the episode:

What is a collaborative working space?

On the surface it’s a space where an inexpensive workspace is available to rent. But that’s not why most people join.  9 out of 10 CoWork members say access to a community of peers is their #1 reason for joining.  Many are freelancers and remote employees who lack community.  Coworking offers insight, support, creative solutions, and a general feeling of belonging.

collaborative workspace

How did CoWork Bloomington start?

Tyler and his business partner Foster needed an office.  They feel in love with a space that they couldn’t really afford and asked a few friends if they wanted to go in on the space.  After a few evolutions, CoWOrk Bloomington was born as a purposeful cooperative and opened to the public.

Why is the community so powerful?

Many brains are better than one.  Like any good community, when people bounce ideas off of each other the concept evolves.  The outcome is better creativity, better ideas, and better businesses.  Another important element is that peers in coworking spaces aren’t employed by the same company.  No one’s going to run to the boss or pull rank.  That lowers the fear factors and increases openness, authenticity, and trust.

What’s Tyler’s formula for success?

  1. Just Do It

The greatest failures happen because you didn’t try.  Trying, making the attempt and believing in yourself is the most important step to success.


  1. Solve your own problems.. then share

Notice a problem, look at the solutions available and then make a solution that functions better.  One that works exactly how you think it should.  Sounds really simple right.  And Tyler’s point is yes, it is.  Maybe not easy, but simple.  Passion for problem-solving is step two.


  1. Find a niche and then become important to it

Tyler uses Esri as an example.  They found the niche of geographical mapping and inserted their technology expertise.  The business has grown methodically and sustainably by revolutionizing how people can use maps.  10 years later the business is at the core of the mapping industry.


Resources Mentioned:


A special thanks to Tyler Henke and the CoWork Bloomington community for taking the time to chat with us.


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