So your house has decided to throw a tantrum. Maybe it’s a leaky roof after a thunderstorm or perhaps your water heater turned your basement into an indoor swimming pool. Whatever the issue, dealing with a homeowners insurance claim can feel like stepping into a maze without a map. But don’t panic, we’re here to help.

At Shine Insurance, we believe that filing a claim shouldn’t be the hardest part of disaster. Our step-by-step Home Claim Checklist will help make handling your claim almost as satisfying as finding the last piece of a puzzle.

Here’s a sneak peek at what to expect when your house decides to throw you a curveball – and how Shine Insurance has your back every step of the way.

Step 1: Don’t Panic

First things first: take a deep breath. Your number one priority is ensuring everyone’s safe. Whether it’s a fire, a flood, or your ceiling becoming a water feature, safety comes first. If things are not safe, don’t ever hesitate – call 911 and get to safety. Next, document everything. Take pictures, these snapshots will be your best friends when you file your claim.

Step 2: Call the Pros

It’s time to make the call that starts the ball rolling, your insurance company. This is where we shine (pun intended). At Shine Insurance, we’re more than just your average insurance company. We’re your personal guide through the claims process, making sure you get the help and coverage you need, minus the headaches.

Want to Make Your Next Claim Even Easier? Download Our Home Claim Checklist!

Here’s the best part: you don’t have to tackle the claims process alone. With Shine Insurance’s Home Claim Checklist, you’ll have a handy guide to walk you through each step, from the moment disaster strikes through the finish line of having your home repaired.

We’ve got all the info you need to navigate your next claim with ease. Ready to take control of your home’s future? Download the Home Claim Checklist now and be prepared for whatever comes your way.